Toronto Geological Discussion Group
The talk will focus on the restrictions imposed on the valuators by current regulations designed to protect the non-sophisticated investors. Specifically, what value can be assigned to historical resources in cases where compliant data are difficult to come by, such as in Zimbabwe, China, Russia, etc.? A possible approach will be examined.
Mr. Hinzer is co-owner and President of Watts, Griffis, McQuat (WGM). He has been active in management of exploration and due diligence reviews worldwide. He directs WGM’s First Nations and CSR activities and has participated in the development of a proposed management regime for Natural Resources for the government of Nunavut, contributed to the Niger Delta Development Plan and provides technical consulting services to a number of First Nations in Canada. He heads up WGM’s China activities and is an avid champion of global standards for mineral project reviews and valuations and project risk assessment.
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