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  • Mineralogical and geochemical signatures of mineralization in the orogenic gold deposits of the Klondike district, Yukon

Mineralogical and geochemical signatures of mineralization in the orogenic gold deposits of the Klondike district, Yukon

  • 28 Jan 2025
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • OBA, 20 Toronto Street, Toronto
  • 27


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Nelson Roman, M.Sc.

PhD Candidate, University of Toronto

Talk Abstract:

The Klondike Gold District, in Yukon, is world famous for its placer gold endowment and historical gold production from these sources. At the same time, gold production from bedrock sources has been negligible in this district. This extreme disparity has motivated intensive mineral exploration and research efforts, leading to an improved understanding of the geological controls on mineralization at the Klondike in the last decades. This presentation will touch on our current knowledge about the main mineralogical and geochemical signatures of mineralization related to vein gold mineralization in the Klondike. Geological data include SWIR mineralogy, whole-rock geochemistry and trace element composition of pyrite and native gold. It is expected that this information aids current and future exploration in the Klondike and in other similar districts in the world.

Speaker Bio:

Nelson holds an Honors BSc and a MSc in Geology from the University of Chile. He is currently a fifth-year PhD candidate in Earth Sciences at the University of Toronto, where he works as part of Professor Dan Gregory’s research team. His doctoral research focuses on the geochemistry and genesis of orogenic gold deposits in Yukon, Canada. Prior to this, Nelson conducted research in Chile, examining gold deportment in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and studying sulfide geochemistry in intermediate-sulfidation epithermal systems, as well as their modern analogs, geothermal systems. In addition to his academic work, Nelson has six years of experience in the mining industry in both Chile and Canada, where he has worked as a geochemist and exploration geologist.

Frank Santaguida | LinkedIn

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