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  • Ore Reconciliation in Mine Operations

Ore Reconciliation in Mine Operations

  • 27 Sep 2022
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (EDT)
  • OBA, 20 Toronto Street, Toronto, 2nd Floor
  • 81


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Douglas Kim – Director, Mine Geology & Reconciliation, Kinross Gold Corporation

Talk Abstract:

Reconciliation measures and monitors the quality of the reserve model, planning process, and the performance of operations through actual mining and processing. It allows us to identify problems, prompts corrective actions, and provides opportunity for production increase. Presentation will focused on the reconciliation key performance indicators and their breakdowns that enable us to pinpoint the causes of production issues. In addition, how and why the reconciliation is so critical for mine operation in order to achieve both the maximum value out of the orebody and the predicted production level from the reserve model.

Speaker Bio:

Douglas Kim received his MSc degree in geology from Seoul National University in Korea. He started working as a mine geologist in Canada's Yukon Territory 27 years ago. Since then worked as a chief geologist, technical services manager, and a director at couple of precious and/or base metal mining companies. 

Raise a Glass!

Thanks to Kinross Gold for sponsoring our networking reception following the technical presentation!

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