Toronto Geological Discussion Group
Attila Péntek, Vice President Exploration, Wallbridge Mining
Attila Péntek, Vice President Exploration of Wallbridge Mining, is a Professional Geoscientist with over 15 years of experience in the mining industry and economic geology research. Attila completed an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Geology and has been working at Wallbridge since 2005 in progressively more senior roles.
Since his appointment as VP Exploration in late 2017 he has been building and leading the Company’s geology team, through the successful completion of a 35,000-tonne underground bulk sampling program, and exploration drill campaigns totaling over 300,000 metres drilled, resulting in a series of discoveries, which demonstrated the multi-million-ounce size potential of the Fenelon Gold System.
Talk Abstract:
Fenelon Gold is new, major gold discovery located along the Detour‒Fenelon Gold Trend, an emerging gold belt in the Northern Abitibi. Within three years of discovery, through drill programs totaling over 300,000 metres, Wallbridge has reached an important milestone by publishing a maiden resource estimate for the combined Fenelon Gold System.
This discovery is a testament to the untapped potential that exist in the Northern Abitibi, and demonstrates that the overburden coverage in this underexplored belt is not just a challenge, but also a tremendous opportunity.
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